Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Minke Whales Galore ⬻

A routine patrol this morning turn in a whalefest. 

Heading North from Whitby about 6nm off the coast of Port Mulgrave we found ourselves between approximately 20 feeding minke whales, diving birds and the odd seal. A mark on the fish finder indicated a school of herring confirming our suspicions of a feeding frenzy! 

I quickly set the drone up and get her into the skies. Making two flights managed to acheive a 10 minutes flight time for each flight. 

However, to my utter disappointment despite being often on top of the feeding whales not once was a whale in shot out of the roughly 15minutes of footage. As a whale would appear at the surface before feeding you have around 5 seconds to capture it. The drone was in the right area but just missed being in shot. 

It was exhilerating trying to follow the whales with the drone but really difficult to mange the drone flight, camera control and whale spotting all together. More practice needed! next time I'll get them. 

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