Thursday, 7 August 2014


As promised here's an update:

I.O.M S.o.S is now an established facebook group with over 200 followers. Rowan, my girlfriend, is the group creator and is responsibly for the majority of post and updates. 

As we have both been away to Vietnam the group was put on hold till we returned. It's now back up and running. With weekly post about marine life and conservation in the Isle of Man. 

In the future we plan on raising the awareness of the gernal public to the impacts human have on the ocean with the interest of reducing our human impact on the island. We also want to add pressure on policy makers and industry to take measures to protect the oceans. 

Rowan is organising an ocean art show at the end of January in partership with IOM SOS. The idea is to use art and film to promote ocean conservation.